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Pj's Pajama Brigade....

Your Life's Purpose and Passion .... Part 1

Your Life's Purpose and Passion... Part 2

December 16, 2008

Web 2.0 A Scam, You Decide For Yourself!

The Secret's Out, Internet Marketing isn't a scam after all...

I was reading the Wall Street Journal today and came across this article, you might have already read it, I want to share my view on the article with you, it's powerful, but the funny thing is WEB 2.0 is not new, it's just that B2B companies are just now beginning to see and understand the value of socializing on the Web.

Here's the short of it; Internet Marketing is here to stay, did that sink in?

So here's the scoop, if you don't want to get left in the dust in marketing your product, company and website you need to get on the band-wagon, it's never too late to get started.

Remember, people don't care about what you have to sell, people care that you care about them.
Remember that!!

You and I both know, we've heard it a million times; People don't like to be sold but they like to buy, and we want to buy from someone we know, like and trust.

FIRED Corporate America to pursue my new career in Internet Marketing, I now work from home in my pajamas, what luxury. Working from home, being an entrepreneur is rewarding and I would much rather pad my own bank account then the other guy's bank account. I'm a valuable commidity and so are you.

You decide for yourself, is it worth the risk, is it worth looking into? How many businesses do you know of that you can start with as little as $300 and in less than 1 year be earning 6 figures, not many.

Read the excerpts from the Wall Street Journal below.

The Secrets of Marketing in a Web 2.0 World
Consumers are flocking to blogs, social-networking sites and virtual worlds. And they are leaving a lot of marketers behind.

Getting Sociable

* A New Approach: Marketing these days is more about building a two-way relationship with consumers. Web 2.0 tools are a powerful way to do that.
* The Pioneers: A growing number of companies are learning how to collaborate with consumers online on product development, service enhancement and promotion.
* The Lessons: From these early efforts, a set of marketing principles have emerged. Among them: get consumers involved in all aspects of marketing, listen to and join the online conversation about your products outside your site, and give the consumers you work with plenty of leeway to express their opinions.


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