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Your Life's Purpose and Passion... Part 2

October 31, 2009

Attraction Marketing Part IV

Attraction marketing works. Instead of meeting people’s problems and needs head on with a product as a solution or a cure, using attraction marketing one would show genuine sympathy first by giving tips, advice, or suggestions. Once the marketer gains the trust of the read a solution is presented; sometimes yes it is a paid solution—more often than not—it is free information. Thus; build more trust.

Because attraction puts people’s trust at prime importance, attraction marketing demands an entrepreneur to make a name first. You see; by using the attraction marketing model; it becomes a win-win situation.

However, this is not done by, insisting on a product. It is by presenting oneself as a credible expert in the field who wants to help people solve their problems. And that my friend is what sets one apart from the traditional “foot in your door” salesman. A sales representative is more concerned about selling his product than listening to a potential client’s problem. An entrepreneur applying attraction marketing, on the other hand, gives expert advice, addresses particular needs, and even walks a customer through a process. Of course, he sells his product but not before showing expertise and genuine concern to customer and not after he convinces the customer how important his product is in achieving total solutions.

Part 5 coming right up...


Anonymous said...

Attraction marketing work which is instead of meeting the peoples and their problems needs head on a product as a solution. First of all I appreciate for giving out such a wonderful information on.

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Unknown said...

rightly said....
attraction puts people’s trust
at prime importance, attraction marketing demands an entrepreneur to make a name first. You see;
by using the attraction marketing
model; it becomes a win-win
situation.An entrepreneur
applying attraction marketing,
on the other hand, gives expert
advice, addresses particular
needs, and even walks a
customer through a process.
Of course, he sells his product
but not before showing expertise
and genuine concern to customer
and not after he convinces
the customer how important
his product is in achieving
total solutions.
Astounding! I am definitely bookmarking this to come back and read later
Astounding blog.

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