Never too much Sunshine!

Pj's Pajama Brigade....

Your Life's Purpose and Passion .... Part 1

Your Life's Purpose and Passion... Part 2

January 26, 2009

Lack Of Leads For Your MLM Business?

Need Prospects for Your MLM Business?

Has your initial list of 100 joined you in your business yet?

Good thought huh? Well I don’t know about you but when I made my list of 100 maybe 1 or 2 of them joined me in my Business, I think they felt obligated to do so.

I was a good down-line; I did everything my up-line told me to do. I made the list of friends, family, neighbors, mailman, hairdresser, my doctor, the neighbors dog…you know a huge list of everybody and their pets.

Well it turned out that I found myself talking to strangers at malls, crafts shows, parking lot, and grocery stores. You know the 3 foot rule, hoping that I could turn the conversation around and talk about me. Yes Me.

After all I believed I had the best product and greatest new MLM business opportunity.

I look at my approach then, it was pretty silly. The way I was taught to prospect people was a little ridiculous, but how did I know any different? I didn’t just like you don’t until now; there is a whole new approach that works like clock work.

I, like most of you reading this can probably agree, people don’t care about YOUR new MLM business opportunity, you were talking to the wrong people, it’s not your fault.

Your new business opportunity is exactly that…Your New Business, most of the people you talk to from you list of 100 could care less about what you are going to try and shove down their throat, I know none of you did that right? I know I did, I will admit it. I wanted my business to grow, I didn’t know any different, I just rambled on about my great opportunity.

So my question is; did you ever sponsor anyone from your original list of 100?

If you did, good for you, most people do not. How many did you sponsor? If you sponsored more than 10% you get the sponsorship award and you probably have a thriving business right? How many of them are still on your team today?

How would you like it if the people who joined your team didn’t quit because sponsoring actually got easier, and sponsoring actually started to snowball in their business?

No more large attrition!

Every network marketer’s goal is to build a large following, to talk to as many people as possible. The problem with the old recruiting system is the approach.

If you are still involved in your MLM business opportunity you are smart, because there are solutions to your lack of growth. Hang in there it gets better.

You are probably like most Entrepreneurs you want control of your life; you want to make your own decisions, decide when you will work and when you will not work, have a better life, Fire Your Boss!

So if building a large MLM business has not quite happened for you, and you still want the freedom that you know you can have if you could only sponsor more team members, take a minute and head over to my website.

Listen and Read. This is a real system that will explode your business. Easy step-by-step instructions and “real” people that will help you sponsor the right way.

If you are tired of struggling there is hope.

Stop struggling in your business. Get the information that you need that could literally explode your MLM organization.

Learn The Techniques To Explode Your Business.

PJ Smith
p.s. Be sure and check back here often for new tips and training to help you succeed in your business.

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Anonymous said...

This is how true in the traditional MLM. It is time to do something different. You are right on spot and keep up your good work

Anonymous said...

Very insightful. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

having control of your hit the nail on the head PJ !! you lead by example...thanks for your commitment Bob K

Unknown said...

Enjoyed your blog on lead generation. I will be watching for more great content from you.

Here is my blog, Learn-W-Mike
best wishes -mike